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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Regarding that Pimento Cheese...

Toooooo funny-

Davis, who grew up in Coffeeville, Miss., remembers Aunt Lella's
specific verbal rendition of her recipe: "Well, first you make the

Once, Davis said, she wasn't going to make homemade mayonnaise, and
asked her aunt to tell her the proportions on the cheese, pimentos and
spices. "There was this long pause and then she said, `Well, you might
as well not bother,' " recalled Davis.

Not only does it give a good recipe and explanation of pimento cheese
(to include Elvis, lol) and just as I had mentioned, the article
specifically mentions it being revered at Augusta, which is *the*
hardest ticket in sports to get and a very sacred place to many.