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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Percentage of ignorance...

In article . com>,
Gregory Morrow > wrote:

> The Joneses wrote:
> > Neat book series was _Island in the Sea of Time_ by S.M. Stirling.
> > Explored what happened when Nantucket Island and a Coast Guard ship were
> > tripped back to 1300 bc. Lots of very coincidental things happened to help
> > them survive, but very eye opening on just how hard it is to "live off the
> > land."

> That's a GREAT book, and he wrote several sequels. Stirling at one
> time posted on the Usenet group soc.history.what-if (it's devoted to
> "alternate history", one of my fave sci - fi/fantasy genres)...
> One thing that I remember from the book is that they certainly didn't
> suffer from a lack of seafood. When the time shift happened the seas
> surrounding Nantucket were FULL FULL FULL of all sorts of fish that by
> our time had been pretty much depleted...cod, anybody...???
> But yeah, otherwise present - day Nantucket is not so well - known for
> it's agricultural base...

I read that series. Twice. :-)

Good stuff. Political too since the main Female character was a retired

Black ******* Female.

It was a very complex plot line thru all three books and VERY good
Peace, Om

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