Percentage of ignorance...
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> No, you'd die of radiation poisoning either way according to your
>> plan. We all lived through the entire NON-EVENT that was Y-2K.
>> Relax... and you didn't answer my question about eating irradiated
>> vegetables and wildlife. Assuming you survived the blast in some
>> underground shelter, how would you survive eating food tainted by
>> radioation? Do you have some massive underground storage with food?
>> Oh, and have you written your manifesto yet? You do realize you
>> sound like a survivalist nutcase, right?
>> Jill
> <sigh>
> My original question was rhetorical.
> How many people do you personally know that can grow and prepare their
> own food from scratch?
I know I can. Wouldn't like slitting an animals throat so I'd probably go
vegetarian first. I wouldn't have a problem with that. But I'd miss my
beef and pork. Not so much chickens.
> There are more disasters than a theoretical nuclear one. It was merely
> meant as an example.
> Relax. I'm no nutcase.
> I have yet to even try to eat the purslane that tries to take over the
> flower beds every year.
(laughing) but does it taste good? I won't eat anything that doesn't taste
good, sorry. Are people eating purslane now because they're "supposed to"?
This is like taking fish oil tablets and garlic tablets (HELLO, just eat
garlic!) because some ad on TV said do it.
> Animals would die from radiation poisoning. There would be no
> "irradiated" wildlife.
There would be irradiated vegetables and plant life all over the place.
Don't kid yourself.