neighbor JHD wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >> > -
> Andy, if you've got less than thirty hours' in an OR, you've lost your
> license, earned the scorn of your peers, and been driven to a different
> state, do you *really* deserve to use the title 'cardiologist' after your
> name?
(1) A cardiologist is not a cardiovascular surgeon. We do not as a
general rule spend hours in an OR.
(2) Georgia medical license has remained active since 1995.
(3) Have not been driven from Georgia.
(4) Have not earned the scorn of my peers.
(5) Cardiologist is not a title but a calling.
Bottom line:
You are untruthful.
This simply shows that you are lost:
The brethren of LORD Jesus Christ are neither perfect nor more
.... we are simply forgiven by GOD:
May you wisely choose to be forgiven too by publicly declaring with
your mouth that "Jesus is LORD:"
Prayerfully in Jesus' awesome love,
Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD