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Cindy Fuller Cindy Fuller is offline
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Posts: 599
Default The pig man just called

In article om>,
Sheldon > wrote:

> "Red meat/white meat" is not a scientific catagory, it's a culinary
> term, highly judgemental at best.

If you scroll farther down on that web page, you will find a more
physiological definition for white vs. dark meat. The executive
summary: Muscles that get worked extensively (legs) contain more
myoglobin to perform aerobic exercise and are dark as a result. Muscles
that don't get worked as much (chicken breast) contain less myoglobin
and appear lighter. Modom's pig from the pasture probably got lots more
exercise than the factory-raised swine, so the meat will be much darker
than the pale pork chops that are generally found in the supermarket.


C.J. Fuller

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