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Sarah[_1_] Sarah[_1_] is offline
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Default Botswanian (?) food? Anyone know about?

"Kate Connally" > wrote in message
> I've just finished reading the most recent in the
> No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency stories. In it Mma
> Ramotswe goes on a picnic with her friend from the
> orphan farm and a bunch of the orphans. The food
> they serve is fruit cake and something called syrup
> sandwiches. I'm dying to know what the hell syrup
> sandwiches are!!! Anyone know? Maybe I'll have to
> write to Alexander McCall Smith and ask him, and
> also request he include a glossary in the back of
> each of his books in the future. :-).
> BTW, I just heard there is a new book out in the
> Portuguese Irregular Verbs series. Can't wait to
> read it. If it's half as good as The Finer Points of
> Sausage Dogs it will be great!
> Kate
> --
> Kate Connally
> “If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
> Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
> Until you bite their heads off.”
> What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?

In the UK a syrup sandwich would be 'treacle' (golden syrup) on white bread
and butter. I used to love these as a kid, and had them instead of jam
Now I want a treacle sandwich!
