I am told Chris's "Cook-in" in New Mexico has officially started <g>.
At least that's the latest word on the cyber street (hehehe). To make
her "New Mexico Cook-In" even more fun and adventurous, what say
everyone to a 'cook-along' as well? I'm game

I intend a grilling
marathon session - chicken, pork and beef tenderloins, and shrimp - and
that's just for me! I may even make some potato salad.
The "big day" for the "New Mexico Cook-Along for Chris's Cook-in" is
this Sunday, September 2, 2007. No rules or a particular time for
Sunday's cook-along, just make whatever you'd like to bring if it were
possible to be there in person (I would be there too, but I haven't won
the lottery, yet). Then, everyone can share their virtual dishes with
everyone else in the #rec.food.cooking chatroom, which I'm sure will be
hopping with a lot of buzz about the goings-on and food and drink(s).
The more, the merrier!
As usual, information about 'real time' chatting in #rec.food.cooking
can be found here --->
http://www.recfoodcooking.com/chat.html <----.
It'll be wonderful to hear about who has cooked what, etc. Don't forget
to post recipes to RFC, too. Mark your calendars
Sky, who looks forward to the virtual sights,
sounds, and wonderful aromas at the Cook-in!!
P.S. No, I won't eat all that grilled stuff at once <G>. Most will be
left-overs for the entire week.
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice