Sky said...
> I am told Chris's "Cook-in" in New Mexico has officially started <g>.
> At least that's the latest word on the cyber street (hehehe). To make
> her "New Mexico Cook-In" even more fun and adventurous, what say
> everyone to a 'cook-along' as well? I'm game
I intend a grilling
> marathon session - chicken, pork and beef tenderloins, and shrimp - and
> that's just for me! I may even make some potato salad.
> The "big day" for the "New Mexico Cook-Along for Chris's Cook-in" is
> this Sunday, September 2, 2007. No rules or a particular time for
> Sunday's cook-along, just make whatever you'd like to bring if it were
> possible to be there in person (I would be there too, but I haven't won
> the lottery, yet). Then, everyone can share their virtual dishes with
> everyone else in the chatroom, which I'm sure will be
> hopping with a lot of buzz about the goings-on and food and drink(s).
> The more, the merrier!
> As usual, information about 'real time' chatting in
> can be found here ---> <----.
> It'll be wonderful to hear about who has cooked what, etc. Don't forget
> to post recipes to RFC, too. Mark your calendars 
> Sky, who looks forward to the virtual sights,
> sounds, and wonderful aromas at the Cook-in!!
> P.S. No, I won't eat all that grilled stuff at once <G>. Most will be
> left-overs for the entire week.
Well, but... you give me homework today and it's due on Sunday??? <vbg>
I ain't done nuthin' new since gumbo!
I was hoping to sit in the La-Z-Boy recliner on Sunday and watch the Cook-
In's roving reporter videos flood into
Maybe I'll do a potato soup!?!