Thread: Wine Spectator
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Ronin[_3_] Ronin[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 33
Default Wine Spectator

On 2007-08-31 08:06:35 -0700, UC > said:

> On Aug 30, 10:38 am, AxisOfBeagles > wrote:
>> Pardon my saying so, but this kind of attitude is every bit as
>> pretentious as that which some of you seem to be deploring. To suggest
>> that those who read a magazine are being pretentious, is in and of
>> itself pretentious.
>> Personally, I don't buy WS, but do read it on occassion if it's lying
>> around somewhere. I don't pay for it because I disapprove of it, or
>> it's readership, but simply because it provides too little value for a
>> rather hefty price. Pretty simple consumer economics.
>> But I'm surprised at the negativity towards the magazine here. It may
>> not represent everyone's feeling towards wine or the wine industry,
>> but it obvioulsy has appeal to a wide audience - ergo it's circulation
>> numbers - and from the little of it I have seen, it has some good
>> content (despite the reliance on reviews). Wasn't it WS that ran some
>> pointed articles calling out specific wineries for practices in the
>> winery that created increased incidence of TCA contamination? And I
>> seem to recall more than one instance of WS being quoted in calling
>> out CA wineries for pricing practices - and touting lesser knwon
>> regions for providing better value - a recurring theme amongst many of
>> us wine geeks.
>> I'm not advocating for WS - but I think that the "anti WS' attitude,
>> when taken to such levels of attitude, is in and of itself trendy and
>> insubstantial.
>> In article . com>
>> > wrote:
>>> Those magazines are for people with more money than sense (you know,
>>> young urban professionals who want to make an impression in
>>> society).Makes me want to puke.

>> --
>> I'm using an evaluation license of nemo since 96 days.
>> You should really try it!

> WS is a joke. What value it has is mostly to wine shops who can use it
> to sell lesser-known wines that may have some merit. The ads, though,
> of course, are all from the big distributors. What good information WS
> may contain is available in many books. Ratings are utterly worthless.
> I have no reason to trust them whatsoever. Insofar as WS presents
> itself as a source of ratings, therein I despise it. I despise the
> very concept of ratings.

He says, rating Italian wines superior...