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Dan Dan is offline
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JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> "Dan" <intrceptor@gmaildotcom> wrote in message
> .. .
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
>>>>>> Get used to modern slang. It's far more fun!
>>>>> No. It's lame. There may be children watching. Children learn by
>>>>> example. Your writing contains things children should not see. They
>>>>> need to be employable in the future. If you cannot read, write and
>>>>> speak well, you are as valuable to an employer as a melted ice cream
>>>>> cone on the sidewalk.
>>>> Good. Let's see you go after "Krispy Kream" donuts and "Kwik wash"
>>>> laundromats.
>>>> Must suck to be so anal.
>>>> I used to be too. I'm a far happier person now that I got over it. ;-)
>>> Sorry, but I have to agree with him on this one. I've mentioned before
>>> the
>>> text message mentality and kiddy email mentality should NOT carry over to
>>> the workplace. No one I know in the business world wants to get an email
>>> that says "kewl". (Not that any business email should say "cool" unless
>>> they are referring to the air conditioning system.) I'd prefer anyone
>>> who
>>> claims to be a business professional to know how to spell things and that
>>> doesn't include "How R U?" and "Kewl". We aren't teaching the next
>>> generation anything in the way of speaking (whatever their native
>>> language
>>> is) by encouraging this crappy text-messaging lingo to go forward into
>>> their
>>> professional lives. Try writing "kewl" into a legal brief. Or a
>>> mortgage
>>> contract. Or your tax return. Sorry, it won't fly.
>>> Jill

>> Nice try trying to sound so...employable! Get off the sauce and you might
>> succeed.


Really Doug? Want a wager?