Posted to,,,alt.flame.jesus.christ,alt.usenet.kooks
Surviving the Pan-Flu when it strikes.
On Sep 1, 1:50 am, JHD > wrote:
> "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" > wrote
> > convicted neighbor JHD wrote:
> >> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >> > convicted neighbor JHD wrote:
> >> >> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > d6962?
> >> >> Andy, if you've got less than thirty hours' in an OR, you've lost
> >> >> your license, earned the scorn of your peers, and been driven to a
> >> >> different state, do you *really* deserve to use the title
> >> >> 'cardiologist' after your name?
> >> > (1) A cardiologist is not a cardiovascular surgeon. We do not as a
> >> > general rule spend hours in an OR.
> >> So how many hours have you spent in actual treatement and dignosis of
> >> cardial disease/illness. NB: Time spent laying on hands, praying,
> >> and handing out tracts does not apply.
> > More than 15,000 hours.
> Prove it.
> >> > (2) Georgia medical license has remained active since 1995.
> >> More's the pity.
> > The glory is GOD's.
> Huh? What 'glory' is there, precisely, in the failure of the GA state
> medical board to censure you or pull your license?
> >> > (3) Have not been driven from Georgia.
> >> Hm. Not what I heard. Maybe I have you confused with some other
> >> nutjob. Y'all start to blur together after a dozen years or so...
> > Name-calling simply shows that the Holy Spirit is absolutely right to
> > convict you:
> I haven't even been charged yet. Besides, I'm out of your 'holy
> spirit's' jurisdiction.
> >
> >> > (4) Have not earned the scorn of my peers.
> >> Really?
> > Yes.
> So now you're just plain lying?
> 2
> About halfway in, there's an e-mail message you posted (bad form, btw)
> from someone who is not only your peer but your clear superior, who seems
> to be scorning you pretty effectively. Scorned your ass right out of
> Florida, didn't he?
> So now you're a liar on top of everything else.
> >> What, then, was that gentlmen who so thoroughly handed you your
> >> ass in regards to the ethical questionability of your repeated
> >> refusal to separate your proseltyzing from your work as a medical
> >> scientist?
> > Without the LORD, your fantasies are meaningless (Ecclesiastes).
> YOU posted the e-mail, Mr. Chung, and claimed to have many more like it.
> >> > (5) Cardiologist is not a title but a calling.
> >> Don't flatter yourself there, St. Joan. You sit on the commode just
> >> like the rest of us.
> > Non-sequitur.
> No, actually, it's the main thrust of the entire message. Your religious
> beliefs do not make you superior, nor do they add a single bit of
> empirically observable quality to your treatments. Your incredible lack
> of any sense of tact or boundaries when acting as a medical professional
> instead of a religious fundamentalist who appears to me about three fuses
> short of a suicide bomb for jeebus is appalling. It is indeed fortunate
> for you, Mr. Chung, that I don't live in Georgia and thus have no
> standing to challenge your status as a licensed medical professional in
> that state.
> I would highly recommend against trying to do business in North Carolina,
> Mr. Chung.
> >> > Bottom line:
> >> > You are untruthful.
> >> Interesting assumption.
> > Simply an observation.
> No, it was an assumption.
> >> Perhaps I'm just mistaken.
> > You are in error.
> 'Untruthful' connotes deceit; error connotes mistake. Which is it?
> >> Paranoid much?
> > No.
> Another lie.
> >> > This simply shows that you are lost:
> >> >
> >> Either your use of the colon is a grammatical error, or you're on
> >> crack, because that shows nothing about me. It shows you claiming
> >> to 'interpret' a woman's dream by simply repeating her verbatim and
> >> adding a couple of verses from your favorite book of fairy tales.
> > Without the LORD, you will be ever seeing but not perceiving.
> I perceive that you're a crackpot little Elmer Gantry with a MD. Is
> there some other relevant fact in play here?
> >> > The brethren of LORD Jesus Christ are neither perfect nor more
> >> > special...
> >> > ... we are simply forgiven by GOD:
> >> >
> >> And your haughty, self-righteous attitude of infallability, wisdom,
> >> and medical genius belie your silly little disclaimer. You believe
> >> very deeply that in being 'forgiven by GOD,' you are somehow either
> >> perfect or more special.
> > Without the LORD, your opinions are meaningless (Ecclesiastes).
> Wow.
> IF one assumes that there's a bit of truth to the Jeebus myth, Chungp,
> you wouldn't know salvation or christianity if it slapped you in the
> mouth. You're turning a buck, nothing more. Oldest gimmick in the book,
> too. Well, the second oldest.
> >> > May you wisely choose to be forgiven too by publicly declaring with
> >> > your mouth that "Jesus is LORD:"
> >> >
> >> I will do no such thing, and I ardently dispute your description of
> >> such rubbish as 'wise.'
> > It remains GOD's will that all souls retain HIS generous gift of free
> > will.
> And you know this how, exactly? Who are you, Mr. Chungp, to insist that
> better than I do, or than anyone else does? Tell us, Mr. Chungp, how you
> came by this marvelous information? I could almost understand if you
> claimed to know what ol' YHWH was thinking a few thousand years ago,
> because if you believe in that sort of thing there's a document claiming
> to be a record. How do you know what THE ALMIGHTY OMNIPRESENT OMNISCIENT
> >> > Prayerfully in Jesus' awesome love,
> >> Save the Benny Hinn routine for someone who cares, Chungp. I was in
> >> the professional wrestling business for three years - I know a work
> >> when I see one.
> >> Not only do I not believe in what you claim to believe in, I don't
> >> believe you do either. You're just another carnie for Gawd, fleecing
> >> the marks. You just have a nicer booth than most.
> > You will remain in my prayers, dear neighbor whom I love
> > unconditionally.
> Pray on that, while you're mixing numerology and fundamentalist
> christianity with a doctorate that you lack the ethical basis to hold as
> demonstrated by your pathetic and transparent attempts to sell your
> little 'LOSE WEIGHT NOW! ASK ME HOW!' plan to the gullible and ignorant.
> In the meantime, when the residual effects of my former lifestyle catch
> up to me, I'll be 'praying' that my cardiologist treats me with medical
> science and not witch-doctory.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Excellent post; I'm afraid, however, that the only result will be
adding your favorite newsgroup to his never-ending list of crossposts
-- once he does his little espionage thang.
Obviously, you're just another of "satan's sockpuppets" (just like me
and everyone else who exposes him), so he'll see it as his holy duty
to battle you on your home turf.