Stale flour and other questions
I'm an off again on again bread baker newbie. This is my second time trying
to get a starter going but, thanks to the faq and this group, I realize I
was doing it right the first time.
Couple of possible problems. When my starter didn't look like it was doing
something, I added a teaspoon of refined sugar (I was out of honey and
didn't have grapes). It finally started bubbling up but developed a little
black mold. I threw away the dried part along with the mold and added flour
and water. This is pancake batter consistency.
It's been cold lately and I now realize that's the reason it's taking longer
to get the starter going. Wasn't sure what the yeast content of the air was
during the cold vs warm air.
Should I be concerned about the mold that developed to the point I should
start over? Currently it's frothy on top and some bubbles on the bottom.
I can't get a definite answer whether flour goes stale or bad. The flour I
used is fairly old. Should this be a concern? I ran out of it and started
using a fresh package of King Arthur's.
I started a new starter using foam from the first batch but don't feel like
beginning at the beginning again if I don't have to.
Thanks folks.