Meat is making me sick
In article <4ZlCi.855$3R5.674@trnddc05>,
"Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
> > You may seriously need to consider a Colonoscopy.
> I see one every year, Om. I have suffered from bowel disease my whole life.
Ditto here, since age 12.
> I almost died 4 years ago from a perforated colon. So I am very bowel
> aware. I have a colonoscopy every two years, in fact the next one is in
> November.
I've not had one now for 15 years, but they are rather memorable. ;-)
I'm 45.
They tend to be rather "expensive" so are prohibitive if you don't have
god health insurance.
> >
> > It's advised periodically for people over 50 anyway.
> It's a great idea. It is an awful procedure to be sure.
Not with the proper drugs!
> But colon cancer
> is far worse.
That tends to be highly fatal.
> Paul
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson