Meat is making me sick
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Mark Thorson > wrote:
> > Shadowland wrote:
> > >
> > > And just why do people need meat anyhow once their done growing ?
> >
> > Meat is the richest source of carnonutrients,
> > some of which like vitamin B-12 are essential
> > for human life. There are no reliable vegetarian
> > sources of B-12, except B-12 made from selected
> > strains of bacteria.
> I agree for the most part, but Brewers yeast is a good source
> theoretically, but only if it's fortified.
But where does the B-12 used to fortify the yeast
come from? Unfortified yeast are not a useful source
of B-12.
> The only reliable source for this essential vitamin is MEAT.
Actually eggs are a rich source of B-12, especially
if they're not cooked too much (B-12 is very
heat-labile). Cheese is a useful source of B-12.
Ovo-lacto-vegetarians usually don't have the
health problems that vegans do. If you go
strictly vegan, you really need to educate
yourself on the nutritional deficiencies
you are risking.
> If you take it in pill form, that means you are a hypocrite.
> You have to consider where that nutrient is created.
That's what I meant about the yeast.
However, I believe most of the B-12 of
commerce is made by bacterial fermentation.
(Of course, in the old two-kingdom system
of nomenclature, bacteria were classified
as animals because they lacked a cellulosic
cell wall.)