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modom (palindrome guy)[_2_] modom (palindrome guy)[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 371
Default The pig man just called

On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 17:45:45 -0500, zxcvbob >

>modom (palindrome guy) wrote:

>>> Modom,
>>> Practice on a decent quality fresh pork "picnic" from the supermarket
>>> when you can find one on sale. Cure yourself a really good ham *next*
>>> time you buy a half a pig and you know what you are doing. It's really
>>> easy to ruin a ham (especially if you cure it with the bone in.)
>>> BTW, the jowl makes good "bacon".

>> I'll take your advice under advisement.

>Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy your pig. I've had good pork
>occasionally, but I haven't had *great* pork in over 30 years. (I
>should see if there are any small hog farmers around here... Maybe
>check with the local 4H...)

Thanks. The local small-time meat producers around here a largely
religiously motivated -- the idea is responsible stewardship of
Creation, as far as I can tell. To find a producer in your area, you
might look into local religious groups. Also there are some online
databases where you can search for farmers in your area. Here's one:

I like this one better:

Would you mind telling me your ham curing experiences? Tell me about
the bone, for example. How does it affect the curing process?


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