On Sep 1, 6:29?pm, "<RJ>" > wrote:
> I use dried beans in my cooking.
> ( the cans are mostly liquid any way )
So are cooked dried mostly water... you do cook yours in liquid? You
pay about 30pct more for the canner to cook them, but you save nothing
with DIY considering how long it takes to cook dried and the price of
energy these days... canned are actually less costly. And with beans
it's not like you're talking big bucks. A 59 cent can of beans comes
in mighty handy when that's all you need.
> Too often, I forget to soak the nite before,
> and have to cancel my bean dish.
> I'm thinking of soaking a batch,
> and freezing them in ZipLoc bags.
> Garbanzos, black beans, limas, pintos, etc.
> Opinion;
> Soak and freeze ?
> or, Soak, cook, and freeze ?
> Freezer life ?
> <rj>
Beans don't freeze well when properly cooked, I can't imagine what you
propose to end up anywhere but in the compost pile.