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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Nuking Artichokes?

On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 21:00:18 -0700, Ken
> wrote:

>I live in California, and in case you haven't heard, it's been very
>hot here lately. I stopped on the way home last night and bought some
>artichokes. I usually steam them, but I didn't feel like having the
>heat from the stove in the kitchen for all that time. Is it possible
>to nuke them? And if so, somebody please give me an approx cooking
>time for medium sized ones.
>It seems possible, but better to ask then ruin them.

The short answer is yes you can nuke them and they are fine. Turn
them upside down and put some plastic wrap over it. I usually put a
tiny amount of water in there (I use a souffle dish) too. Times
vary.... I'd start with 20 minutes and go from there, but I usually
have the large size.


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