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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Meat is making me sick

In article >,
Mark Thorson > wrote:

> > The only reliable source for this essential vitamin is MEAT.

> Actually eggs are a rich source of B-12, especially
> if they're not cooked too much (B-12 is very
> heat-labile).

Indeed, but I personally classify eggs as meat. ;-)

> Cheese is a useful source of B-12.
> Ovo-lacto-vegetarians usually don't have the
> health problems that vegans do. If you go
> strictly vegan, you really need to educate
> yourself on the nutritional deficiencies
> you are risking.

The thing is, if someone has gone vegan/vegetarian for moral reasons,
the unfertilized eggs on the mass market are not living organisms. You
are not killing anything to eat them.

On the other hand, there is the issue of the conditions mass market
laying hens are kept in, and the fact that they are used to make soup at
around 2 years of age (iirc).

> > If you take it in pill form, that means you are a hypocrite.
> > You have to consider where that nutrient is created.

> That's what I meant about the yeast.

Yes. :-)

> However, I believe most of the B-12 of
> commerce is made by bacterial fermentation.
> (Of course, in the old two-kingdom system
> of nomenclature, bacteria were classified
> as animals because they lacked a cellulosic
> cell wall.)

If one is worried about killing things, you kill billions of living
organisms every day when you take a dump.
Peace, Om

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