Spice moths
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> zxcvbob > wrote:
>> ...got into my dried jalapeno peppers. I had to throw out almost a
>> pound of dried peppers. There's no telling what else they are into, or
>> what they came home in.
>> Bob
> Must have been pretty old?
No. Maybe 6 to 8 months old, and still bright dark green; they hadn't
faded yet. I also found worms in a bag of walnuts. I might not have
noticed them in the walnuts if I wasn't looking for them.
I've moved my other bagged dried peppers to the freezer. I should have
transfered these to glass jars when i bought them and stored all but one
in the freezer.
> Just good old fashioned weevil moths.
> I tossed an entire can of Hungarian Paprika recently due to the same
> issue when I had an archeological dig into the rear depths of the spice
> cabinet.
> How you store stuff is everything it seems...