waffle iron trouble
Dave Smith wrote wrote:
> val189 writes:
> > I've used the same batter recipe for ages. Lately, the waffle is not
> > done in the middle and I have to dig the waffle out with a wooden
> > chopstick. Could the coils be shot in part of the iron? It's a non-
> > stick type. I've had this waffle iron for about 10-12 years. Is this
> > the average lifespan of a fairly cheap iron?
> There is usually only one coil, so if it burns out it is shot. Let it heat
> up longer and cook the waffles till they are done. No peeking.
Actually the circuitry of the typical waffle iron is composed of
several heating elements in a grid connected in parallel (as averse to
series), just like bread toasters. With a more costly waffle iron it
may be economically feasible to have the element assembly replaced...
typically one would repalce the entire assembly because if one element
is kaput the others are not long behind... if one is moderately handy
they can probably do this themself. There should be information at
the manufacturer's website, or at least a phone number to call for
parts and technical assistance. Of course if it's a relatively
inexpensive unit (like under $50) it's probalby best to dump it and
buy another.