sanitizing plastic rubbemaid containers
> wrote in message
> On Sep 2, 9:27 pm, "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>> > What ratio of water and bleach do I need to use to sanitize these
>> > containers?
>> > I am planning to suse very small containers - I have square ones and
>> > 3 round ones - to store sauce (mostly Asian sauces like that are less
>> > than half the bottle like) so that I can take them with me to my new
>> > place where I will be sharing the frige with a roommate.
>> No bleach, unless you can state a reason why your containers are
>> different
>> from everyone else's.
>> Put a few drops of Dawn dish liquid on a sponge. Not a rough scrubber. A
>> regular sponge, or the soft side of one of those two-sided scrubbers.
>> That's
>> all you need. If the containers are stained from certain foods, put them
>> in
>> the sun for a day or two.
> No stain. Just beign careful hat what I will put won't spoil.
You do NOT need bleach in order to achieve your goal. What kind of dish
detergent do you use?