Boston Butt - Second Try
Well, since the heat knocked us out of our fishing trip, we
decided to smoke that other butt in the freezer. We put it on
this a.m., about an hour ago. Although the first one was edible,
I'm hoping for much better results this time around.
DH was supposed to be trying his hand at the smoker today, but I
can see wer're going to be feuding all day because he doesn't
seem to see how important keeping the temp within the range. (I
just went outside and found the temp of the smoker to be 305!
I want to have the meat in the 220 to 230 range. DH says it
doesn't matter, and he doesn't want to baby-sit the cooker all
Guess I'm stuck baby-sitting the cooker today. If it weren't for
the fact that our DD LOVES pork barbecue so much, I'd let him go
ahead and do it his way.
Karen C.