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Karen C. Karen C. is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 139
Default Boston Butt - Second Try

As it turned out, I had to fire DH because he just wasn't much
interested in the details. He just figured you threw the pork on
the grill, put the lid on it, and threw some lump and water in
the smoker every few hours. This surprised the heck out of me
because he's as big a pork eater as DD. (He's also the best cook
in the family and is very attentive to details when it comes to

The funny thing is that I'd told him, yesterday a.m., that it was
a long process and that, since we'd gotten such a late start
(9:30 a.m.), we'd have to fix something else for that night's
supper. He must have thought I was kidding because he came up to
me about 6:30 p.m. and asked me when supper was going to be
ready. I said, "Huh?" and he asked when the pork would be ready.
I told him he'd better get something else together for supper
because I was working on *tomorrow night's supper*. LOL! Talk
about a letdown!

Anyway, it took 15-3/4 hours to reach 195. I couldn't believe
how much of a difference there was with this second try. I had a
heck of a time getting it off of the grill because it fell apart
on me. I wrapped it in foil and a towel and threw it in the
cooler and hurried off to bed. It was still quite warm when I
got up at 6 and put it in the refrigerator.

I do believe I'm going to let DH have the pleasure of pulling it
this evening for our supper <g>.

There are only a handful of things I can cook better than DH.
However, if smell is any indicator, I just may have found
something else for that list <g>. I already know it's going to
be a whole lot better than my first butt!

Thanks to you folks for all of your help! I appreciate it very

Karen C.