On Sep 4, 12:00 pm, Ed Rasimus > wrote:
> The Geyserville discussion of blend percentages led me to suddenly
> realize that I didn't know what I didn't know!
> We're accustomed to seeing percentage of varietals in blended wines.
> My question is "percent of what?"
> Is this a percentage based on weight of grapes, volume of grapes,
> liquid measure of pressing, mixing of vinified pure varietal, or what?
> Does "field blend" denote a difference from some other type of blend
> of varietals?
> Ed Rasimus
> Fighter Pilot (USAF-Ret)
> "When Thunder Rolled"
> www.thunderchief.org
> www.thundertales.blogspot.com
A field blend is just that, a field of grapes of different varieties
picked at once and vinified together, as opposed to, for example,
winemaking in Bordeaux where one vineyard is composed of merlot, one
of cabernet sauvignon, one of petit verdot, etc., vinified apart and
then blended into the final Grand Vin.