In the case of field blended wines, I've seen two rubrics for giving
the relative percent of differing varietals;
One is by weight of the grapes. There are some field blends being made
in Amador county that do just this. The other, seen on a few
Bordeauxs, is by the acreage planted over to each varietal.
In article > Ed
> wrote:
> The Geyserville discussion of blend percentages led me to
> suddenlyrealize that I didn't know what I didn't know!
> We're accustomed to seeing percentage of varietals in blended
> wines.My question is "percent of what?"
> Is this a percentage based on weight of grapes, volume of grapes,
> liquid measure of pressing, mixing of vinified pure varietal, or what?
> Does "field blend" denote a difference from some other type of
> blendof varietals?
> Ed Rasimus
> Fighter Pilot (USAF-Ret)
> "When Thunder Rolled"
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