Mike Tommasi wrote:
>> A field blend is just that, a field of grapes of different varieties
>> picked at once and vinified together, as opposed to, for example,
>> winemaking in Bordeaux where one vineyard is composed of merlot, one
>> of cabernet sauvignon, one of petit verdot, etc., vinified apart and
>> then blended into the final Grand Vin.
> What you describe as a field blend may have been common practice long
> ago, I am not aware of anyone doing this today.
Really, Mike? There are at least a few domaines in C9dP that continue
to do it IIRC, not to mention all those old "Zin" vineyards in CA that
contain any number of other varieties (gnarly old head-pruned vines are
hard to tell apart, apparently). Also, wouldn't you consider wines made
from "selection massale" vineyards as a field blend of sorts?
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