Field Blend Percentage
On Sep 4, 12:33 pm, Ed Rasimus > wrote:
> Not to nit-pick (or even grape-pick), but we still don't get an "exact
> percentage" without defining percent determined by what?
> So, we've got a field with zinfandel, carignane and petite syrah
> vines. Do we get our percentage by weight of grapes picked? By number
> of discrete grapes (I know that's absurd, but bear with me...)? By
> volume of pressing liquid? By volume of the picked grapes--77 barrels
> of picked zin, 16 of picked carignane...? By ratio of vines picked?
At the winery where I work, blends are calculated as percentage by
volume. For example, 500 liters (25%) Wädenswil, 1000 liters (50%)
Dijon-115, 500 liters (25%) Pommard. We don't make a field blend as
such. If we did, I suppose we would count vines or rows, or whatever,
to determine the percentage of each fraction of the blend.