ceramic range tops
In article om>,
Sheldon > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > Sheldon > wrote:
> > > With gas stoves that have pizeoelectric ignition you can still light
> > > the top burners with a match when the electric goes off. With
> > > electric stoves you're totally out of business. And just because
> > > there is no natural gas available there is no reason you can't have
> > > gas cooking with propane.
> >
> > Or wood...
> Why bother with a stove at all, cook on the hearth, or better yet
> outdoors over a campfire, you can impale wooly mammoth ribeye on a
> pointy stick... I bet no one needs to teach Om Flintstone how to twirl
> meat. hehe
> Sheldon Rubble
Point me the way oh Troglodyte mine...
Peace, Om
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