ceramic range tops
On Wed, 5 Sep 2007 10:49:47 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>"Nathalie Chiva" > wrote
>> On Wed, 5 Sep 2007 09:23:16 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:
>>>"Dee Dee" > wrote
>>>> "Nathalie Chiva" > wrote
>>>>> Sure, but isn't it a huge electricity consumer? Energy consumption is
>>>>> about the most significant difference between old refrigerators and
>>>>> new ones - new ones use a fraction of what the old ones use. And I
>>>>> know that in the US it's not deemed important, but that's a shame :-(.
>>>> Here in the US, there are notices on every product that I've purchased
>>>> about the energy consumption. It's always been a consideration to me.
>>>I don't know where Nathalie got that idea.
>> From the amount of oil that US cars use compared to Europeans cars,
>> from the widespread use of air conditioning (so cold that you often
>> have to wear a jacket even if it's scalding hot outside...), even when
>> it's not necessary, and all that sort of thing.
>Okay, even though I've driven a European car or two and they
>use as much oil as any of my other cars, maybe you mean those
>tiny cars. Regardless, I understand what you're saying, but I think
>maybe you said this before? that our appliances are energy hogs.
>That the US doesn't care about energy efficient appliances, and that's
>not true.
OK, but "tiny" cars are pretty much half of all the cars here... and I
know that in the US some states are very forward and promote
economizing energy (California comes to mind), but you also have Bush
and his promises that petrol prices will never go up (and they're half
what we pay here...)
>Yes, I've been in places where the air conditioning is freezing cold,
>but most of the time it's not that cold. Certainly not in my house.
But you do have air conditioning in your house. I've been to Spain and
to Italy (where it can be really hot in summer, Swizterland doesn't
count ;-)) and there's no air conditioning in flats and private
>I hope I didn't offend you, if I did I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Oh no you didn't, I love debating :-)
Nathalie in Switzerland