Dick Adams wrote:
> ...One persistent myth, possibly based on fact,...
One nice thing about myths, if we don't like one, we can always
make one up that better fits our personal world view. Does that
make us mythical creatures?
> I continue to feel that cold processing of dough, if not for convenience,
> is an affectation.
Personally, I am prefer room temperature on the thought that for
most of the time that humans have been making bread, they did not
have the means to significantly alter the temperatures in their
environment. I should be able to cope as well as my ancesters
with the demands of breadmaking.
On the reality side, it doen't matter a whit what we *feel* about
things, chilling dough *is* an integral and legitimate part of
some process procedures.
Charles Perry
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** A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand **