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Default Sloppy Joe sandwich

On Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:15:51 +0000, Vilco wrote:

> Is it made with ground meat?
> Which meat and how is it cooked?
> Which ingredients along with the meat?

Pound of ground beef or turkey
fry it and break it up with 1/4 cup dried onion
put a bunch of ketchup in it with some squirts of mustard( enough to coat
the meat crumbells, and a table spoon of brown sugar and some water to
make it kind of soupy, now simmer it down to where it can be put on a
hamburger bun.

This isn't a high brow dish, but oh well. Fancy folks add a can of
campbell's chicken gumbo. Poor folks add a half cup of oatmeal. Serve
with baked shoe string fries. To cut the fat rinse the meat under hot
water for a minute in a pasta colander.

Brian (not wanting to be a messiah): "You are all individuals..."
Crowd (in unison): "We are all individuals..."
Monty Python's "Life Of Brian"