"Optional service charge"
> >
> >I totally agree, Larry. In France or Italy or the middle east working
> >people can eat excellent food in excellent, cheap restaurants. Not in
> >the Anglophone world, I'm afraid.
> >
> >Lazarus
> Well, not quite. Australia is Anglophone (or so it is believed). Their
> working people can eat excellent food in excellent, cheap restaurants.
> I've seen it.
Occasionally perhaps, but not generally. I've had some of my most
miserable food experiences there. I remember working for a while in
somewhere (was it Port Lincoln?) which described itself as 'the tuna
capital of the world'. They caught lots of tuna there, sure, but it was
all immediately frozen and exported. There wasn't a single place that
served decently cooked fresh tuna.
This is unthinkable in a Latin country, or an arabic/farsi-speaking