Question on Indian (Hindu) food
On Sep 5, 1:03 am, Rupee > wrote:
> On Aug 29, 8:36 am, "miket6065" > wrote:
> > Visited aHindurestaurant in Dallas recently and they had some kind of
> > fruit or berry dip, something like a jam consistency. It was a purple
> > color. Had a sweet taste.
> > I asked what it was but now I cannot remember the name. Can any suggest
> > what this was???
> > Mike
> First off, it is misnomer, Hindu restaurant. The difference between a
> Hindu a nd Muslim joint is this: Hindus will not serve beef, but may
> serve pork,
Wrong. Hindu never serves pork either.
> while reverse is true for a Muslim joint. All other things
> are same.
> It could not be an exclusive mango chutney, which is likely yo golden
> yellow if from partially ripe fruit.