A World Without Butter (was: Microwave popcorn)
Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> On Sep 5, 4:51 pm, Peter A > wrote:
> > In article >, says...
> >
> > > I've probably eaten about four ounces
> > > of butter in the last 30 years,
> >
> > You poor soul.
> What could possibly motivate someone to eschew butter?
It's mostly saturated fat. I go to great lengths
to avoid saturated fat. I mutilate my ribeye steaks
dissecting out all the veins of white fat. (Victor
was wrong when he said that couldn't be done.)
True, I eat some saturated fat that can't be
dissected out, and I eat bacon occasionally.
My greatest source of saturated fat is probably
cheese (which I always cut into very thin slices
using a vegetable peeler).
But I won't eat butter. No way. If I'm going
to eat saturated fat, I want the most flavor for
each calorie of fat. That means bacon, cheese,
or a mutilated ribeye, but certainly not butter.
I allow myself a certain number of fat calories,
and I spend them on only the best foods. I don't
squander them on butter, lard, Crisco, etc.