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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default Meat is making me sick

On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 13:04:19 -0400, Goomba38 >

>blake murphy wrote:
>>> But frankly, I'd rather have this system.
>>> Miche

>> ...and at least everyone gets the service, even if they have to wait
>> some. or worry about losing the house if they get sick.
>> your pal,
>> blake

>But the truth is is that not *everyone* there really "gets the service"
>they want. There is rationing, and exclusions based on age and other
>factors that we don't subscribe to but these are often not mentioned in
>the argument for nationalized health care. There are limitations on
>which doctors one can use or see. It is a different system, but not
>necessarily a better one. They each have their points but no country has
>managed to combine the best of each into one program.

even so, america pays more per capita in health care than any other
country but does not get the best care, even ignoring the uninsured.


your pal,