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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Meat is making me sick

In article >,
blake murphy > wrote:

> On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 14:17:29 -0500, Omelet >
> wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Peter A > wrote:
> >
> >> In article >, Goomba38
> >> says...
> >> > But the truth is is that not *everyone* there really "gets the service"
> >> > they want. There is rationing, and exclusions based on age and other
> >> > factors that we don't subscribe to but these are often not mentioned in
> >> > the argument for nationalized health care. There are limitations on
> >> > which doctors one can use or see. It is a different system, but not
> >> > necessarily a better one. They each have their points but no country has
> >> > managed to combine the best of each into one program.
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> The US spends a lot more, per capita, on health care than any other
> >> country. The last stats I saw, a few years ago, had the US spending
> >> about 40% more per capita than Canada. When you compare waiting times
> >> and similar measures, you must take this into account. When the US
> >> system comes out as "superior" it's not necessarily because our free
> >> market health care is inherently better that the "socialized" systems of
> >> other countries - it's simply because we pour a lot more money into
> >> health care. If Canadians decided to spend 40% more on health care,
> >> their socialized system would likely be better than ours.

> >
> >Being forced to wait 6 months for breast cancer surgery can be a death
> >sentence.
> >
> >"Free" is not always better.

> please give examples of a country with a six-month waiting list for
> breast cancer surgery. (other than the u.s. if you have no
> insurance.)
> your pal,
> blake

I have no specific quotes, but I have Internet friends in England that
have told me of such.

And long waiting lists for needed surgeries in Canada.
You also rarely get to pick your own doctor. You may not even have the
same one twice in a row. (or so I have been told)

I'm glad that you have had nothing but good experiences, but abuse of
the health care system is occurring in some areas according to others
(anecdotal complaints, sorry) so it's apparently not all coming up roses?

I don't live there so I have no personal experience. Just several years
on the web and lots of gripes.

It's not all perfect here either but Charity Care exists. Actually,
those that qualify for such are often luckier than those with middle
class incomes. We get wiped out, they get cared for for free.

Why do you think so many are bitching about the illegal alien thing?
They don't pay into the system and get free health care as they have no
way of paying, but we are not allowed to ignore them and let them die.

We that DO have a certain level of income and DO pay into the system are
the ones that get hurt in, say, a terminal illness situation.

Not everything is equitable.
Peace, Om

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