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Default my meat was enhanced

On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 13:03:37 GMT, "JoeSpareBedroom"
> wrote:

>"George" > wrote in message
>> Ward Abbott wrote:
>>> On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 20:10:42 +1200, The Golfer's Wife wrote:
>>>> Why dont you people go to a dedicated butcher who knows how to produce
>>>> meat you can actually eat?
>>> The closest "dedicated butcher" is probably 300 miles from where I
>>> live. Most people also are in that predicament. It probably would
>>> be easier to find a millinery shop.

>> I think all of the bigbox marketing has convinced people that nothing else
>> exists. There are quite a few choices in my area for quality non- bigbox
>> meats.

>Try mentioning the yellow pages to people, especially younger ones who've
>only got a cell phone, and never had a landline. Often, you'll hear "Whuh?
>Yellow what?" Granted, this information's available online, but still, if
>you don't know to look, you'd never know how to find a business in your

I'd rephrase that to "don't know they exist", "never heard of them"
etc. These cell only users are (for the most part) much more adept at
finding things they want via the internet than we are via the yellow
pages, a land line and a car. My own kids constantly amaze me at what
they've found for sale/advertised on the net. In fact, they did most
of their tire kicking via the internet when they were house shopping
this summer (one closed last week, the other will close next week).


Ham and eggs.
A day's work for the chicken, a lifetime commitment for the pig.