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Default Pumpernickel (without tears...)

On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 07:37:16 -0500, Kenneth
> wrote:

>On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 05:07:01 GMT, wrote:
>>What are "rye chops"? Is it something you buy, or something
>>you make? Also, my recipe lllllll(not sourdough) calls for
>>molasses and cocoa to darken the final product.
>>On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 17:01:12 -0500, Kenneth
> ewrote:
>>>I received a request for the pumpernickel I mentioned earlier...
>>>Though (very) time consuming, it could not be much easier:
>>>Though the specifics are my own, I extend my sincere thanks to
>>>Samartha for his help.
>>>Mix fully 530g Rye Starter (200% hydration) + 800g finely ground rye +
>>>460 Rye Chops + 60g Salt + 936g Water. (Yes, it is 90% hydration!)
>>>If you have questions, please just let me know...
>>>If you give it a try, please let us know of your results.
>>>All the best,
>>>If you email... Please remove the "SPAMLESS."

>Rye chops are just very coarsely ground rye... You can (sometimes) buy
>it, or, of course, can grind it yourself...
>The other ingredients you mention are not necessary, and (in Germany)
>wou8ld render the bread other than pumpernickel...
>Have fun,

And a few other thoughts...

The real thing, that is, pumpernickel made only with rye, water, salt,
and starter, is spectacular.

It has a remarkable sweer-sour taste that I cannot easily describe.
Everyone who has tasted those that I have made has commented on the
sweetness, and several have thought that there was molasses in the

I mention all this not to criticize the approach you have used. If you
enjoy it, keep baking it.

But if you want to try the authentic approach, you will find that it
is something different, and very special.

All the best,


If you email... Please remove the "SPAMLESS."