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Omelet[_2_] Omelet[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 325
Default Meat is making me sick

In article >, "Ophelia" >

> Omelet wrote:
> >
> > I have no specific quotes, but I have Internet friends in England that
> > have told me of such.

> we have very long waiting lists for the NHS. It is at its best for
> emergency or trauma.
> We pay for BUPA and I have made very good use of it over the past few years.
> I have had both knees replaced and implants into both eyes. If I had to
> wait for the NHS I would be blind and in a wheelchair now

It's a bit frightening...

Before dad was old enough to qualify for SSI (Medicare A and B, age 65)
he had a very bad hernia. Being a veteran on total Government assistance
(not sure that medicare would have been much better), he had to wait 9
months for surgery to repair it.

In the meantime, he had to lie down on the bed a couple of times per day
at least to "adjust" his hernia when the pain got really bad.

He had to manipulate the area and tuck his intestines back into place
that were trying to come thru the abdominal wall.

Government health care is not all it's cracked up to be. The abuse of
the system floods it.

And I understand that the health care workers pay is so bad, there are
not enough of them to serve the needs of the public.

I'm just glad that his appendicitis attack in April of 2006 was treated
more expediently. He was 73 at the time.

There IS social health care in the US for some. Medicare and Medicaid.

We still are paying out the co-pay balance of around $4,000,00, but
that's do-able over time.
Peace, Om

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