Kosher Salt vs. Table Salt
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Robert Klute
Posts: n/a
Kosher Salt vs. Table Salt
On 18 Oct 2003 21:06:18 GMT,
(PENMART01) wrote:
>In article >, Frogleg
> writes:
>> Kosher salt is large-grained and has no additives.
>Depending on brand Kosher Salt does indeed contain anti-clumping additives.
Yep, Morton's definitely has an anti-caking agent in it, or as they say
a freeflowing agent. If you don't want additives, then go for pickling
salt. Diamond Crystal Kosher and pickling salts are additive free.
(Diamond Crystal is produced by Cargill Salt).
For those who are unaware ( I am sure Penmart knows this ), Kosher salt
got its name not because of its purity; but, rather, because of its
popularity for use in koshering meats. Its open lattice structure and
reluctance to dissolve at room tempurature allow it to absorb and hold
more liquid at room tempurature than other salts.
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