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john john is offline
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Default Meat is making me sick

On Sep 1, 8:32 pm, Shadowland > wrote:
> I'm going vegetarian !
> I don't feel good after eating meat anymore. I can't tell if it due
> to all the chemicals and what not
> in today's mass produced meats, or if it's because I'm entering
> middle age.
> I have a vague polluted feeling after eating meat.
> And just why do people need meat anyhow once their done growing ?

As I get older, I find I too have less desire for large quantities of
meat. Now I usually only have around 150 grams of meat a day and it is
usually chicken or pork, red meats seem to make me feel bloated.

Vegetables, that I have in large amounts now, too have their problems
in this day and age, and need to be washed and soaked to lower the
levels of chemicals that even organic vegetables pick up .

Though expensive I have also changed to organic eggs, that do taste
more like eggs. Due to cost and concerns about cholesterol though, I
only have around 3 eggs a week.

To change to an exclusively vegetarian diet, in one's more mature
years I would feel is a matter that needs to be discussed with a
knowledgeable person before hand.

Avoid coke, pop or any soft drinks at any cost , the chemicals will
preserve your body for all eternity before you have finished with it.