Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> sf dropped this : in
> rec.food.cooking
>> On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 15:34:34 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>> said...
>>>> Gotta get me one of these in case of an invasion by the bad guys.
>>>> Homeland Security be damned, I'll take care of myself. TY.
>>>> http://tinyurl.com/2mufub
>>> sf,
>>> Where were you when the Ghostbusters were battling the Stay Puft
>>> Marshmallow Man???
>>> http://www.tinyurl.com/b42wc
>>> Oops... is that marshmallow ammo you're using???
>> yes, that's why it's perfect for urban warfare Andy. Less chance of
>> anyone getting hurt and will be no blowing things up, unless it's in
>> a microwave. 
> Hmmm... Now that I think about it. I could buy one of those and shoot
> those Gawd awful marshmallow peeps (my mother loves peeps) out of it
> for Halloween. What an interesting idea.
> Michael
LOL I like the way you think, Micheal!