Meat is making me sick
On Sat, 8 Sep 2007 22:27:21 -0400, "Dee Dee" >
>"blake murphy" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Fri, 07 Sep 2007 14:21:53 -0500, Omelet >
>> wrote:
>>>In article >,
>>> blake murphy > wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 14:17:29 -0500, Omelet >
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >In article >,
>>>> > Peter A > wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> In article >, Goomba38
>>>> >> says...
>>>> >> > But the truth is is that not *everyone* there really "gets the
>>>> >> > service"
>>>> >> > they want. There is rationing, and exclusions based on age and
>>>> >> > other
>>>> >> > factors that we don't subscribe to but these are often not
>>>> >> > mentioned in
>>>> >> > the argument for nationalized health care. There are limitations on
>>>> >> > which doctors one can use or see. It is a different system, but not
>>>> >> > necessarily a better one. They each have their points but no
>>>> >> > country has
>>>> >> > managed to combine the best of each into one program.
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The US spends a lot more, per capita, on health care than any other
>>>> >> country. The last stats I saw, a few years ago, had the US spending
>>>> >> about 40% more per capita than Canada. When you compare waiting times
>>>> >> and similar measures, you must take this into account. When the US
>>>> >> system comes out as "superior" it's not necessarily because our free
>>>> >> market health care is inherently better that the "socialized" systems
>>>> >> of
>>>> >> other countries - it's simply because we pour a lot more money into
>>>> >> health care. If Canadians decided to spend 40% more on health care,
>>>> >> their socialized system would likely be better than ours.
>>>> >
>>>> >Being forced to wait 6 months for breast cancer surgery can be a death
>>>> >sentence.
>>>> >
>>>> >"Free" is not always better.
>>>> please give examples of a country with a six-month waiting list for
>>>> breast cancer surgery. (other than the u.s. if you have no
>>>> insurance.)
>>>> your pal,
>>>> blake
>>>I have no specific quotes, but I have Internet friends in England that
>>>have told me of such.
>>>And long waiting lists for needed surgeries in Canada.
>>>You also rarely get to pick your own doctor. You may not even have the
>>>same one twice in a row. (or so I have been told)
>>>I'm glad that you have had nothing but good experiences, but abuse of
>>>the health care system is occurring in some areas according to others
>>>(anecdotal complaints, sorry) so it's apparently not all coming up roses?
>>>I don't live there so I have no personal experience. Just several years
>>>on the web and lots of gripes.
>>>It's not all perfect here either but Charity Care exists. Actually,
>>>those that qualify for such are often luckier than those with middle
>>>class incomes. We get wiped out, they get cared for for free.
>> some form of universal health insurance would take care of that.
>>>Why do you think so many are bitching about the illegal alien thing?
>>>They don't pay into the system and get free health care as they have no
>>>way of paying, but we are not allowed to ignore them and let them die.
>> i would like to see stats on this. it sounds like another right-wing
>> talking points. free emergency-room care, maybe, but non-citizens, as
>> far as i know, are not qualified for medicare or medicaid. it is a
>> justification for anti-immigrant bias. don't forget that all those
>> people working with a fake social security number never collect
>> benefits.
>> your pal,
>> blake
>Is that you again, Blake fixated on your right-wing talking points
>accusation. Not everyone is as right wing or radical left as you think they
>are just because they have a different opinion than you. Why put everyone
>in a box, has anyone accused you of having radical left talking points, I
>think not.
speaking in right-wing talking points doesn't necessary make you a
right-winger. after all, they are cheerfully spread by the 'liberal'
media. i just call upon people to back them with facts, and they
usually cannot.
and yes, people have called me a left-wing radical. i will admit,
proudly, to being a liberal.
your pal,