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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default my meat was enhanced

blake murphy wrote:

> >Fercrissakes you whined that there isn't a butcher shop for 300 miles, or a
> >millinery shop, and said that most people are in the same position. Based
> >on what I have access to that is bullshit. If I have three local butcher
> >shops within 3 miles of me, everyone else in town does too. If I have
> >access to 2 millinery stores, everyone around here does too. I suppose
> >there are a few people around her who don't bother with the real butcher
> >shop and don't know about them and the millinery stores, and are too dumb
> >to find them, they may sit around and broadcast their ignorance too.

> maybe so, but most of the butcher shops i see around here (d.c. area)
> are halal butchers. honest-to-god butchers that actually cut meat in
> a stand-alone store are not as common as you might think.

What can I say, other than to repeat that I have three of them within 3
miles of me, and I live in a small town. If I go into the city there are
several more. Come to think of it, those three butcher shops are closer
than the nearest grocery store. For some reason, most people just don't
bother going to the local butcher and just get their meat from the grocery
store. Bear in mind that I was responding to Ward's claim that most people
have to travel 300 miles to find a butcher shop. That is just plain