(2007-09-17) New survey on the RFC site: End the Chuckle of the Day?
ChattyCathy wrote on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 17:58:52 +0200:
C> James Silverton wrote:
??>> ChattyCathy wrote on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 17:19:38 +0200:
C>>> Vote now! (or not)
C>>> Thanks go to Andy for sending in this survey...
??>> I couldn't vote since I don't know what is a CotD :-)
C> Hmph! If you don't know by now.... <wink, wink>
Certainly, there is no doubt now but I wouldn't stop the chuckle
even if I seldom look at it!
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: