Meat is making me sick
In article >, "Ophelia" >
> >> Is that you again, Blake fixated on your right-wing talking points
> >> accusation. Not everyone is as right wing or radical left as you
> >> think they are just because they have a different opinion than you.
> >> Why put everyone in a box, has anyone accused you of having radical
> >> left talking points, I think not.
> >>
> > speaking in right-wing talking points doesn't necessary make you a
> > right-winger. after all, they are cheerfully spread by the 'liberal'
> > media. i just call upon people to back them with facts, and they
> > usually cannot.
> >
> > and yes, people have called me a left-wing radical. i will admit,
> > proudly, to being a liberal.
> Dee Dee, Blake and Omlet, please explain to me what is going on here???
Um, I quit following this sub-thread as soon as it turned political.
Sorry babe!
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson