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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Posts: 3,219
Default my meat was enhanced

Baby, you enhance my meat.

If I came into a lot of money, I would do a lot of silly things. I
thought about this today, on my way home from work. I drove past a
street called Gayola Place, which has maybe 60 houses on it. I
thought it's be funny (it'd only cost about $30) to send a letter to
every house on the street that simply said, "HAHA, you live on a
street named GAYOLA. That sounds like a lubricant for anal
intercourse." I would do it just a few days before the National Night
Out Against Crime block parties.
It would give those folks something to puzzle about.
Why would I do something so absurd and nonsensical? Just because it's
absurd and nonsensical. Like the guy who was stealing the lawn
flamingos and demanding ransoms, referring to the flamingos as
"pelicans." That guy was cool.

I'm not insane. I'm really not.
