"Omelet" > wrote in message
>> > I absolutely can NOT sleep if it's hot in the house!
>> > --
>> > Peace, Om
>> >
>> Trying to sleep during the day makes a big difference too. I hated it in
>> the summer, since we didn't have AC at the time.
>> Lynne A
> Indeed.
> I have stapled a double layer of mexican blankets over my south bay
> window in my bedroom to at least keep it dark. I'm glad the front yard
> is fully shaded with Hackberry and Mesquite trees.
> Killed the St. Augustine lawn tho'. I'm starting some plugs of dwarf
> Mondo grass this year. Should take about 2 to 3 years to fill in, but at
> least it will grow in full shade and won't have to be mowed. :-)
> --
> Peace, Om
LMAO! My bedroom is in the basement now, and I put a Mexican blanket over
it too-yes, doubled<G> When my bedroom was upstairs, I used foil on the
window, it works tres bien. Sadly, our big black walnut that provided so
much shade had to come down, as it was dying, and way too big to just let it
Lynne A