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Dee Dee Dee Dee is offline
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Posts: 2,463
Default Meat is making me sick

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
>> In article >,
>> ">> >> Yesterday I had a dilemna regarding some calves I saw. I have been
>> so
>>> >> distressed over it. Their ribs were showing. Their hips at the joint
>>> >> were sticking out. They appeared to me to be distressed as well. I
>>> >> can't get it out of my mind.

> But what would you do about his Om?
> In that case we would report it to the RSPCA and the police and the owner
> would be charged!

Not here. That might happen if one weren't 'out in the county' - county, as
well as country --

As I said before, someone from the field above shot a deer, in my yard, as
far as I could tell. It was out of season. I couldn't get hold of the
'proper authorities' for days. Then it was, there is nothing we can do
about it; we don't know who it was.

When I first moved here I saw those male critters (hoomans) crossing the
field behind me with their camafloughes (sp?) on, with shotguns in their
outstretched arms. I yelled " what the hell you sonsabitches doing"? As I
did not know the protcol, they could've wanted to aim my way if were
itching. I oft think perhaps they did not hear me. I've heard the shots in
deer season come from two angles toward us. Over a decade I have lived with
a 'station' in a tree a few yards from my property fence. All legal, of

All said and done, I guess I'll take the country. I'm a country gal, and
I'm here to stay.

Dee Dee