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Shen[_2_] Shen[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 397
Default Electric tea invest or not to invest

On Sep 7, 10:47 pm, Tea Sunrise > wrote:
> I'm thinking of purchasing one specifically for tea since sometimes I
> don't like to heat water on my stove in a tea kettle. I hear that
> electric kettles heat water very quickly.
> A few questions.
> Do they really heat water faster?
> How would you regulate how hot the water gets, either boiling or on
> the brink of boiling? (usually I let the water rest for a few minutes
> before steeping senchas, whites, and other delicate teas)
> As a side question, do you measure how hot the water gets before
> steeping your high quality loose leaf teas.
> Thanks for your expertise.

I have a Kamjove from China that I use daily. It has an automatic
switch that reheats the water periodically which I appreciate.
I use the "cloud" signals to let me know when the temperature is
appropriate for whatever I am brewing:
leaving the lid open - soft, lazy low steamy clouds for greens and
higher steadier vertical steamy clouds for oolongs; and straight up
steamy steams of smoke for pu-erhs and blacks.
I also use room temperature water for most of my better greens.
I love this Kamjove and the convenience of reheated water at my